Eliza & Belle had a great time playing soccer this fall. The season was about 5 weeks and consisted of about 10 games. We drove to Colville for all these games, but the girls had a great time. In their U-6 league they have 3 kids from each team out on the feild at once. There are no positions and no one is allowed in the "shark pit" or goalie box. So they just run after the ball and try to kick it into the goal from outside the shark pit. The field was about the size of the infield of a softball feild and the shark pit was about 4 feet square. Eliza scored several goals as the season came closer to its end. Belle was quite distraught that she never made one, but we keep reminding her of how well she ran and kicked the ball. Belle was still sad when she played the last game and can't wait for next year. In the team picture Belle is the bottom row middle and Eliza is next to her bottom right.