The picture below is us getting our mail. Our mail box is about 200 yards from our house, so I can't just grab it. We get to go for a short walk each day to get it. It's nice that there's still no snow. I suppose when it comes, I'll just pull the twins on a sled instead of pushing them in a stroller. Maybe one day it will be bad enough that I'll think of driving to the mail box.:-)
We now get Netflix through the mail! It is our excitement, since there is no cable in all of Northport and we choose not to get satellite and there is no Blockbuster or anything like unto it for 45 miles. The girls picked out a DVD with Hannah Montana episodes on it. Belle put on some play makeup from her "Hannah Montana Backstage Kit" she got on her birthday while she watched. Fun, fun, fun.
They are so cute! What a fun trip each day, to find surprises. :) If you ever head over to Westside of the state, let us know and we an head up and meet you somewhere if you want.
I love it. They are so much fun. It is nice to have an excuse to get out like the mail. I can't believe Bell is old enough to like Hannah Montana. Sheesh.
Hey could you email your address
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